Thursday, January 24, 2008

Not Too Helpful

Picture this. You're in a cramped, over-packed car in the middle of the night heading for the beach when your roommate asks you to help him with a writing exercise for class. Something to do with his experiences and beliefs about 19 years of formal education. You're tired and hot and not about to receive any compensation for your contributions. What do you write? Here was my answer.

"What is learning? The accruement of knowledge? The experiences of our pitiful days on this earth? Perhaps, but that is only part of the equation. For one to be a truly enlightened individual, you need to share your experiences with others. Knowledge, self-contained, is selfish, wasted, you must unleash your learning on the world like a rottweiler. Then that rottweiler of knowledge will take on the bear that is this world, and only one will survive the cage match, but if knowledge prevails, it will take a doggy dump that will fertilize the flower of change."

I know I'm not a very useful resource for academic endeavors but you get what you pay for.

P.S. In retrospect I feel that I would not have used the cage match metaphor if i hadn't been living in Richmond, Virginia during the Micheal Vick trial. Sad.

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